life of hazrat khalid bin waleed

Life of  Famous General Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed

The famous general and companion Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed was born in 583.  His father's name was Waleed and his mother's name was La babata Al-Sughari.  You have 7 siblings.  His surname was "Abu Suleman".  Your brother Hisham Ibn Waleed, may Allah be pleased with him, had accepted Islam before he became a Muslim.  His father was very rich and had innumerable gardens from Makkah to Taif.  His father, may God be pleased with him, was a very fierce enemy of the Muslims and he participated in the war against the Muslims in the Battle of Ohad and the Battle of Khandaq.  Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed accepted Islam in 8 Hijri.  He, may God be pleased with him, was sent first to suppress Taliha.  Who had claimed his Prophethood after the Prophet (PBUH) was ill after the farewell Hajj.  He, may Allah be pleased with him, participated in numerous battles as a commander of the army.  In particular, he defeated the enemies in the Battle of Mota and the Battle of Taif.  He, may Allah be pleased with him, participated in almost all Islamic wars, and was successful in every war.  The Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave him the title "Saifullah" which means Sword of Allah.  He, may God be pleased with him, had many marriages, from whom many children were born.  But some sons were martyred in different wars.  While some sons and grandsons died due to the spread of plague in Syria.  Your wish for martyrdom was not fulfilled.  He died in 21 Hijri.

Also Read : 

Life of Hazrat abou Bakar 

Introduction of Holy Quran 

Name of Ashra Mubashra

Pillars of Islam 

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