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From Windows 1 to 10 : Microsoft opened the 'windows' and computing entered the home 

The Windows operating system has been the most successful product of the Redmond firm.

Year 1975. Typewriters are the most used tool in jobs around the world. Year 2015. Can you imagine your job if you didn't have computers, smartphones or internet? Although it seems that we are talking about two worlds separated by centuries, only 40 years have passed between one scene and another. It is also about the time that has passed since Paul Allen and Bill Gates founded Microsoft, one of the companies that has contributed the most to making such an evolution possible.

To them we owe that operating system whose code name was Chess and that taught us all to speak a new language - that of C: - to discover a world of possibilities. But more important than MS-DOS, were undoubtedly the windows (Windows) created by Microsoft. Through them, information technology entered every home on the planet.

The first Windows

It was about to be called Interface Manager, but in the end a name was chosen that better defined its use. Windows was announced in 1983 (Steve Jobs always defended that Gates had stolen the idea) although it did not go on the market until 1985. The delays earned him more than one criticism, but that system in which windows were opened and closed with a mouse and being able to switch from one program to another without having to close the first one was a remarkable advance. In addition, it included some additions: Paint, Notepad, the calculator and even a game, Reversi.

Windows 2.0 (1987) added icons to the desktop, the control panel or the window overlay, as well as placing Microsoft as the world's leading software firm, although the first major leap in operating system quality was Windows 3.0 ( 1990). It was faster, it had 16 color graphics, it included the famous program manager and some games with which you may have killed time more than once: Solitaire, Hearts, Minesweeper... Result? 10 million copies were sold in two years.

It is also worth stopping at Windows 95, the first with which the world of the Internet could be discovered (it came with Explorer), the one that released the start button and the one that already had the option to minimize or maximize windows. The seven million copies sold in five weeks also helped Windows products (we must not forget the importance of Office) to colonize 80% of the world's computers.

Then came Windows 98 (it read DVDs), XP (in 25 languages ​​and with Media Player) or Vista. Each one faster and with more possibilities than the previous one.

From 7 to 10

The latest versions of Windows have been named by numbers. If 7 was designed for laptops (in 2000 they surpassed PCs in sales for the first time), Windows 8 meant a notable change in the image of the system, more focused on smartphones and tablets with the arrival of apps.

The new version, Windows 10, has just been released with the cloud and mobile as keywords. The personal assistant Cortana, Continuum, the Edge browser or Hololens holograms are some of its main novelties. The idea has been to create a system that works well on a smartphone, an Xbox, a computer or a small gadget. And it is that in 2015, unlike 1975, windows no longer open only in houses.

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